We’re pleased to announce that we have finished our annual syllabus review for 2021. Based on your feedback and our specialist’s review there have been some minor updates to our current syllabuses and you will need to re-download some syllabus documents from our website.
You can see a summary of this year’s updates below:

All instruments

  • We have updated the Reading Skills and Scales documents to clarify instructions and expectations, but have not changed any of the exercises or scales themselves. Please download these updated documents for your instrument which are available on the website syllabus page.·
  • All other documents remain unchanged.

Updates (the previous version may be used until 30.04.2022.)

  • For Flute – The grade 1 duet has been changed and the repeats removed from the grade 8 duet. The G minor arpeggio 12th (scales from memory) at grade 2 has been re-written to include two high Ds.
  • For Recorder – There have been a few changes to the Scales at grades 2 and 4. The technical exercises for grades 5, 6 and 7 have been updated.
  • For Classical Guitar – The fingerings have been updated for the Scales.

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